Khác biệt giữa các bản “Helping Your Parents Make A Smooth Transition From Their Home To Home Care”

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Bản hiện tại lúc 20:23, ngày 18 tháng 10 năm 2020

You can be sure that they are going to be very apprehensive of their new lifestyle. They are going to find the whole process even stressful in the beginning. This is mainly because of the fear of not knowing what to expect. It is your responsibility to help your parents make a smooth transition.

To start with, you need to introduce the idea to your love one gradually. It is best to discuss the options with your aged parent and how it would help them to make this shift. Initially, they are likely to be resistant to the idea not wanting to leave their familiar territory and their home. You could take them around with you when you are visiting the home care for the elderly during screening process. This will not only help your aged parent get used to the idea but it will also help them assess various facilities and let them express which facility that they should be going to.

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One of the fears that the aged people have when it comes to moving to a home care facility is that they could be totally cut off from the outside world. They consider it to be highly confining. You need to educate them that it is not going to be a confinement of any sort rather they will be having a good time with many activities and events organized by the home care service.

It is also possible that your parents have heard stories about abuses that take place in the assisted living homes. This could be a legitimate concern or fear but if you are going to find a reputed assisted living home, you need not have to worry about such issues. By taking your aged parent or relative along with you will help and they might even get a chance to interact with the facility staff, which could help in fighting their worst fears.

It is important that you spend enough time with your parent before they move to the facility and give them the assurance that you still care and that you will be visiting them regularly. However never make any false promises. If you commit to visit them once in a week or once in a month, make sure that you keep to it. They will certainly love your frequent visits and it will help in reinforce the fact that you still care.

You need to exercise patience. If your aged parent should resist the transition, it is important that you do not force them because if you do, they will never get to like any assisted living home. Give them some time and they will come around.

Loren Sophia is the author of this article on [ ] . Find more information, about [ ] here.

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