Who Is The Rothschild Family What Is Their History Does This Family Control The World Are They Illuminati

Phiên bản vào lúc 19:34, ngày 21 tháng 10 năm 2020 của JodieMenkens1 (Thảo luận | đóng góp)


Readers, always research everything for yourselves, make your own opinions concerning anything you read.
Steve Andrews
8 years ago from Tenerife
I know and fully support David de Rothschild and have been running a fansite for him at Facebook for over two years now. It is completely unfair to judge a family by their surname or what conspiracy theorists claim. The late Miriam Rothschild was an amazing lady too and inspiring. There are some videos of her on YouTube and I have one of her books on butterflies.
8 years ago
yep,it is all true.i confess.
you people need to get a life!
Mr. Williams
8 years ago
Oh! God grant u more wisdom and understand to elucidate more and more things for us. I have always noticed such tricks. In fact they could even owns every Nations minting company.
max matherson
8 years ago
what we all need to remember is that amidst all these fruits of the world ie: finance, wealth,monopolisation of commerce whoremongoring. control of governments are all superficial. please do not become blinded by these deceptions as they are what they are, DECEPTIONS! power and glory lies with the creator and he- HE ALONE has the keys to life and death not the rothschilds nor any other secret governments. time waits for no one. because GOD is the giver of time. he giveth life and he taketh life away.YOU ENTERED THIS LIFE WITH NOTHING -AND YOU WILL LEAVE WITH NOTHING.no matter what you have achieved or accumilated during your temporary stay on this planet. GOD BLESS
Know Your Owners
8 years ago
Dr Apollo - 'the hard and smart work of this creative and innovative family' - ? I will not respect those who achieved power by fraud, manipulation, and out right criminal, despicable acts. Purposely causing stock crashes, stealing money, starting wars just to fund them, all while acting like they were working for the benefit of the world - that is respectable to you? At least Hitler was more honest about his ambitions.
Dr Apollo
8 years ago
The hard and smart work of this creative and innovative Family is something that must be respected by everyone because of their contributions to how our Financial and economical World was built, and has to continue functioning in accordance with the rules and regulations set up by this Historic Family.
AUTHORReality Bytes
8 years ago from Freeman On The Land United States of America.
Confused in Carlsbad ... The bank was founded in 1750 by his father.
He achieved the stature of a junior partner in a bank founded by his father in 1750
8 years ago
I would like the readers of the page to find a book online regarding the bigger picture. Please find time to read this book with an open mind "JERUSALEM IN THE QURAN" it is pain a summary of where we are eventually headed. America and its currency will no longer be the ruling state in the world, they are making way for ISREAL to be the next ruling state in the world, and they wait for the false massaiah DAJJAL (ANTICHRIST).
Its pretty interesting read and really makes you think about our future..
Confused in Carlsbad
8 years ago
It was interesting, but one detail vexes me.
How was Mayer born in 1743 but left one bank for Hanover Bank in 1750? That makes him[

Readers, always research everything for yourselves, make your own opinions concerning anything you read.
Steve Andrews
8 years ago from Tenerife
I know and fully support David de Rothschild and have been running a fansite for him at Facebook for over two years now. It is completely unfair to judge a family by their surname or what conspiracy theorists claim. The late Miriam Rothschild was an amazing lady too and inspiring. There are some videos of her on YouTube and I have one of her books on butterflies.
8 years ago
yep,it is all true.i confess.
you people need to get a life!
Mr. Williams
8 years ago
Oh! God grant u more wisdom and understand to elucidate more and more things for us. I have always noticed such tricks. In fact they could even owns every Nations minting company.
max matherson
8 years ago
what we all need to remember is that amidst all these fruits of the world ie: finance, wealth,monopolisation of commerce whoremongoring. control of governments are all superficial. please do not become blinded by these deceptions as they are what they are, DECEPTIONS! power and glory lies with the creator and he- HE ALONE has the keys to life and death not the rothschilds nor any other secret governments. time waits for no one. because GOD is the giver of time. he giveth life and he taketh life away.YOU ENTERED THIS LIFE WITH NOTHING -AND YOU WILL LEAVE WITH NOTHING.no matter what you have achieved or accumilated during your temporary stay on this planet. GOD BLESS
Know Your Owners
8 years ago
Dr Apollo - 'the hard and smart work of this creative and innovative family' - ? I will not respect those who achieved power by fraud, manipulation, and out right criminal, despicable acts. Purposely causing stock crashes, stealing money, starting wars just to fund them, all while acting like they were working for the benefit of the world - that is respectable to you? At least Hitler was more honest about his ambitions.
Dr Apollo
8 years ago
The hard and smart work of this creative and innovative Family is something that must be respected by everyone because of their contributions to how our Financial and economical World was built, and has to continue functioning in accordance with the rules and regulations set up by this Historic Family.
AUTHORReality Bytes
8 years ago from Freeman On The Land United States of America.
Confused in Carlsbad ... The bank was founded in 1750 by his father.
He achieved the stature of a junior partner in a bank founded by his father in 1750
8 years ago
I would like the readers of the page to find a book online regarding the bigger picture. Please find time to read this book with an open mind "JERUSALEM IN THE QURAN" it is pain a summary of where we are eventually headed. America and its currency will no longer be the ruling state in the world, they are making way for ISREAL to be the next ruling state in the world, and they wait for the false massaiah DAJJAL (ANTICHRIST).
Its pretty interesting read and really makes you think about our future..
Confused in Carlsbad
8 years ago
It was interesting, but one detail vexes me.
How was Mayer born in 1743 but left one bank for Hanover Bank in 1750? That makes him seven years old. Please explain.
8 years ago
Awesome content thank you please keep up the great work
8 years ago
Just found your site. Amazing work, keep it up. I actually met the garbage the is David de Rothchild in Sydney at a speech / interview he was giving. Saw right through him. The guy is a puppet like all 33 degree Freemasons of lucipher, Satan , devil or whatever other name you want to ascribe. He even took of his shoes and socks to shows us all the tatoo he had. The sign of a Cross. He treads on it every day! God bless, and thanks for a great site. Will pass on
9 years ago
No wonder why Rothschilds known to be very popular and controls wealth from several nations.Great hub. Great to know more about Rothschild Family.
9 years ago
Is it true, that they value of art they donated in the last century greater than Bill Gate's wealth?
Is the only hope for society for anonymous to expose them? Will unveiling of undeniable proof even convince the masses?
9 years ago
Loved the article and video . A great exposure about the illuminati. I wouldn't mind if you could write up something about the musiicians singers and their connection to the illuminati. May God strengthen you as you continue the good work.
AUTHORReality Bytes
9 years ago from Freeman On The Land United States of America.
Thanks for all the comments. Please try and encourage others to research the issues we are facing in to-days world. Manipulation of the masses is occurring on a global scale!
9 years ago from Howell, New Jersey
yes all of it is true, I am wondering though, since I've been learning about Rothchild's, Rockerfeller, FEMA camps, RFID chip and police state ect.. it seems to me that alot more people are aware of it.. is there anything we can do collectively? I live in Lakehurst, near the base, mcquire and lakehurst base, I met a man the other day who I got into a conversation with. he works for Mqurire base, he told me that when the FEMA camps open he will be one of the people that has to help open them. He said it like its inevidable.. then he realized what he said and changed his conversation. I asked why do they have gas chambers in them and at first he tried to act like I didn't know what I was talking about and then he said something about a chemical attack. and then he just stopped talking altogher.. I'm scared
9 years ago from Singapore
hi great hub...worth reading it....
Jed Fisher
9 years ago from Oklahoma
Yep, Richard Nixon ended one of their wars, look what happened to him. And Iran is not playing their game, so...
9 years ago from USA
WOW, really neat hub. Great read.
Wesman Todd Shaw
9 years ago from Kaufman, Texas
Yep. Great article. I manage to say either "Rockefeller," or "Rothschild" in most every one of mine.
rahim sharon
9 years ago
this is satans empire,this people swear to the devil give me the money,and we don t care who get save or not.
I am sure of this.
AUTHORReality Bytes
9 years ago from Freeman On The Land United States of America.
Jeremy and someonewhoknows: Thank you both for the comments. The reason I categorize it under homeschooling is in the hope that some parents will use it for just that purpose.
9 years ago from south and west of canada,north of ohio
If,it were up to me this hub[ Readers, always research everything for yourselves, make your own opinions concerning anything you read.
Steve Andrews
8 years ago from Tenerife
I know and fully support David de Rothschild and have been running a fansite for him at Facebook for over two years now. It is completely unfair to judge a family by their surname or what conspiracy theorists claim. The late Miriam Rothschild was an amazing lady too and inspiring. There are some videos of her on YouTube and I have one of her books on butterflies.
8 years ago
yep,it is all true.i confess.
you people need to get a life!
Mr. Williams
8 years ago
Oh! God grant u more wisdom and understand to elucidate more and more things for us. I have always noticed such tricks. In fact they could even owns every Nations minting company.
max matherson
8 years ago
what we all need to remember is that amidst all these fruits of the world ie: finance, wealth,monopolisation of commerce whoremongoring. control of governments are all superficial. please do not become blinded by these deceptions as they are what they are, DECEPTIONS! power and glory lies with the creator and he- HE ALONE has the keys to life and death not the rothschilds nor any other secret governments. time waits for no one. because GOD is the giver of time. he giveth life and he taketh life away.YOU ENTERED THIS LIFE WITH NOTHING -AND YOU WILL LEAVE WITH NOTHING.no matter what you have achieved or accumilated during your temporary stay on this planet. GOD BLESS
Know Your Owners
8 years ago
Dr Apollo - 'the hard and smart work of this creative and innovative family' - ? I will not respect those who achieved power by fraud, manipulation, and out right criminal, despicable acts. Purposely causing stock crashes, stealing money, starting wars just to fund them, all while acting like they were working for the benefit of the world - that is respectable to you? At least Hitler was more honest about his ambitions.
Dr Apollo
8 years ago
The hard and smart work of this creative and innovative Family is something that must be respected by everyone because of their contributions to how our Financial and economical World was built, and has to continue functioning in accordance with the rules and regulations set up by this Historic Family.
AUTHORReality Bytes
8 years ago from Freeman On The Land United States of America.
Confused in Carlsbad ... The bank was founded in 1750 by his father.
He achieved the stature of a junior partner in a bank founded by his father in 1750
8 years ago
I would like the readers of the page to find a book online regarding the bigger picture. Please find time to read this book with an open mind "JERUSALEM IN THE QURAN" it is pain a summary of where we are eventually headed. America and its currency will no longer be the ruling state in the world, they are making way for ISREAL to be the next ruling state in the world, and they wait for the false massaiah DAJJAL (ANTICHRIST).
Its pretty interesting read and really makes you think about our future..
Confused in Carlsbad
8 years ago
It was interesting, but one detail vexes me.
How was Mayer born in 1743 but left one bank for Hanover Bank in 1750? That makes him seven years old. Please explain.
8 years ago
Awesome content thank you please keep up the great work
8 years ago
Just found your site. Amazing work, keep it up. I actually met the garbage the is David de Rothchild in Sydney at a speech / interview he was giving. Saw right through him. The guy is a puppet like all 33 degree Freemasons of lucipher, Satan , devil or whatever other name you want to ascribe. He even took of his shoes and socks to shows us all the tatoo he had. The sign of a Cross. He treads on it every day! God bless, and thanks for a great site. Will pass on
9 years ago
No wonder why Rothschilds known to be very popular and controls wealth from several nations.Great hub. Great to know more about Rothschild Family.
9 years ago
Is it true, that they value of art they donated in the last century greater than Bill Gate's wealth?
Is the only hope for society for anonymous to expose them? Will unveiling of undeniable proof even convince the masses?
9 years ago
Loved the article and video . A great exposure about the illuminati. I wouldn't mind if you could write up something about the musiicians singers and their connection to the illuminati. May God strengthen you as you continue the good work.
AUTHORReality Bytes
9 years ago from Freeman On The Land United States of America.
Thanks for all the comments. Please try and encourage others to research the issues we are facing in to-days world. Manipulation of the masses is occurring on a global scale!
9 years ago from Howell, New Jersey
yes all of it is true, I am wondering though, since I've been learning about Rothchild's, Rockerfeller, FEMA camps, RFID chip and police state ect.. it seems to me that alot more people are aware of it.. is there anything we can do collectively? I live in Lakehurst, near the base, mcquire and lakehurst base, I met a man the other day who I got into a conversation with. he works for Mqurire base, he told me that when the FEMA camps open he will be one of the people that has to help open them. He said it like its inevidable.. then he realized what he said and changed his conversation. I asked why do they have gas chambers in them and at first he tried to act like I didn't know what I was talking about and then he said something about a chemical attack. and then he just stopped talking altogher.. I'm scared
9 years ago from Singapore
hi great hub...worth reading it....
Jed Fisher
9 years ago from Oklahoma
Yep, Richard Nixon ended one of their wars, look what happened to him. And Iran is not playing their game, so...
9 years ago from USA
WOW, really neat hub. Great read.
Wesman Todd Shaw
9 years ago from Kaufman, Texas
Yep. Great article. I manage to say either "Rockefeller," or "Rothschild" in most every one of mine.
rahim sharon
9 years ago
this is satans empire,this people swear to the devil give me the money,and we don t care who get save or not.
I am sure of this.
AUTHORReality Bytes
9 years ago from Freeman On The Land United States of America.
Jeremy and someonewhoknows: Thank you both for the comments. The reason I categorize it under homeschooling is in the hope that some parents will use it for just that purpose.
9 years ago from south and west of canada,north of ohio
If,it were up to me this hubpage would be required reading in all of our schools][ ]Jeremey 
9 years ago from Arizona
Wow, again I receive an educational experience at your hands. Impressive story. I knew a little of their history, but nothing close to what you've resented here! Be careful they may have someone watching your every move now! Lol! Thanks for the history lesson. Write on, right on, write on!