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cheap nfl jerseys "Kunitz scored the winner," declared Coffey, eliciting a mixed reaction from a sold out crowd of 800 at the 55th Annual Italian Sportsmen's Dinner at Notre Dame high school Thursday."The game is safe."His reaction was borne not out of being a former Pittsburgh Penguin, with whom he won his fourth Stanley Cup, but based on his love for hockey."As much as I'm Canadian, an Ottawa win would be bad for the game," explained Coffey, 55, who flew in from Ontario to help raise money for scholarships alongside Bryan Trottier, Clark Gillies and Marty McSorley."I don't want that style Ottawa plays to be successful because monkey see, monkey do and GMs will want their teams to play that New Jersey style of trapping. If you're going to pay $100 or $500 for a seat, you deserve to be entertained."Evidently, the smooth skating hall of fame defenceman enjoys hockey the way most do high scoring, wide open and fast paced like his EdmontonOilers deployed to reign over the late 1980s.Trottier and Gillies, who both won four Stanley Cups with the Islanders before handing hockey's keys to Edmonton, also relish the skill of today's game.The lads, who combined to win 17 Stanley Cup rings, all agreed the game's star players can best showcase their talents when unfettered by the game's rats.To illustrate how that is made possible, Trottier told a fascinating story about how the Swift Current Broncos star went home early in his first year of junior in 1972, unsure he wanted to return to the game.The abuse he took as the WHL's shiniest new object diminished his will to continue.That all changed when Tiger Williams literally showed up at his door and explained he'd be protecting Trots from that point on."A guy like Tiger literally brought me back to the game," said Trottier, 60, a Hall of Fame inductee who insists he wouldn't have claimed his seven Cup rings (he won two in Pittsburgh as a player and one in Colorado as an assistant) without the protection of an enforcer like Gillies."I probably would have quit because the game wasn't fun anymore."The enforcer as we knew it has made like the wooden stick and disappeared, opening the door for any player to make the lives of the game's stars miserable.And what drives all four lads crazy is the fact they can do it without repercussion."Look at the Edmonton/Anaheim series you know who won that series for the Ducks? (Ryan) Kesler," said Coffey, who speaks for the group when he discusses his desire to eliminate the instigator rule."In my days, that guy would have been taken out the first game. I like Kesler, don't get me wrong, but you can't have a guy doing what he did to Connor McDavid that whole series cheap nfl jerseys.