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And Christie rightly notes that the state's unemployment rate in November, the latest month available, was 6.4 percent.But here's what was left unsaid: When Christie took office, New Jersey's unemployment rate at 9.7 percent was slightly better than the national unemployment rate of 9.8 percent; but New Jersey's rate in November was higher than the national rate, which was 5.8 percent. (The national rate dipped again in December to 5.6 percent.) In addition, New Jersey's 6.4 percent unemployment rate was also worse than its neighbors, Pennsylvania (5.1 percent), New York (5.9 percent) and Delaware (6.0 percent).Job GrowthChristie also boasted that New Jersey has "created over 150,000 private sector jobs in New Jersey in five short years." The actual figure, according to BLS, is 142,700. That may sound impressive, but that statistic wilts when viewed in light of national trends.In fact, the rate of private sector job growth in New Jersey, 4.5 percent, is well below the national average of 10.2 percent.

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