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cheap jerseys He will probably be best remembered for his novels, but his greatest influence was surely in the area of semiotics; the theory that both intentional and unintentional signs are an integral part of how we both experience and understand society and culture.Allow me then to completely butcher his theory in order to make a few mildly interesting observations about the Vancouver Whitecaps and soccer in general.I'm sure that's what he would have wanted.Ticket prices and "sellouts" Youi may think that the rarified world of semiotics and the grubby dealings of business are completely separate entities. Wrong! Marketing is essentially semiotics to the maximum degree.So when the Whitecaps choose to keep the tarps on despite almost certainly being able to sell a few more tickets they are making a conscious decision to give out the signal that their games are sought after.Interestingly (or not) their marketing also emphasises the virtue of the relatively low price of those tickets and though we can agree or disagree about whether this is true or not this approach is direct contradiction to how ticket prices are viewed for Canucks games.Canucks ticket prices are low? Then they must be struggling. Whitecaps ticket prices are low? Great I'll give it a go.Be it intentionally or unintentionally the Whitecaps have chosen to market themselves as the "bizarro world" Canucks.Diving, simulation and cheating Signs are frequently culturally specific as many a soccer player discovers when they move from one country to another and whereas the propensity to "earn" a free kick may be valued in some cultures, in North America the attribute is largely derided.How odd it must seem to a newly arrived MLS player to find his own fans turning on him for trying everything in his power to win the game.And don't get me started about how the signals we interpret from Blas Prez will have changed from last season to this.Supporter fan and customer They may all be one and the same thing but how they choose to designate themselves or how somebody else chooses to designate them makes all the difference in the world.The club may see their supporters/fans as "customers" but woe betide any club that makes that belief public (as Liverpool recently discovered) and even some of those supporters choose to designate themselves in ways that differentiate them from others by joining a supporters group.Which group you choose to join, or even the decision not to join a group, is an intentional signal about how you wish to be viewed.Shirts, kits and colours It seems fairly clear that MLS has made a conscious decision to either allow clubs greater freedom in the style of their shirts or has directly instructed them to be more adventurous.The Whitecaps, Columbus, New York and others have all released jerseys which are a stark move away from the generic nature of what seemed to be the League's standard issue.It's an intentional sign to suggest that MLS wants to move away from being seen as the single entity that it undoubtedly is (also the trouble I'm having in deciding whether to call them kits, shirts or jerseys is pretty interesting from a semiotics point of view).Transfers and signings Major League Soccer used to be the master of the "Look at us, look at us!" signing but suddenly China has moved into the market and is throwing money at players who probably can't believe their luck.This means that MLS may well have to either reposition itself as something different or massively raise the money it spends cheap jerseys.