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"When video excerpts of basketball practices were reviewed last fall by athletic director Tim Pernetti, he immediately notified me and sought the advice of internal and outside counsel. The university hired an independent investigator to look into this matter thoroughly. Based on the external investigator's findings and recommendations, Tim and I agreed that Coach Rice should be suspended, penalized $75,000 in fines and lost salary, ordered to undergo anger management counseling, and put on notice that his behavior would be closely monitored.

The mobile switch either forwards the call to the dedicated 9 1 1 switch (the same ones used by landline calls) for PSAP routing or routes the call itself to the nearest PSAP, depending on the routing path the wireless carrier chooses. At the PSAP, mapping equipment (typically the CAD equipment discussed in the previous system) converts those coordinates to a street address that the call taker can understand and provide to the dispatched emergency personnel. Verizon Wireless, Nextel, Sprint PCS and ALLTEL use a handset based system..

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