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Brian Kennaway has weighed into the debate about Ian Paisley's participation in a service during which a Catholic priest led prayers. Mr Kennaway, a Presbyterian minister and former member of the Orange Order's education committee (before he broke with the Order), wonders why people are so surprised. In a letter published in today's News Letter, he notes that Ian Paisley was present at the June 26, 1982, service of thanksgiving at St Paul's Cathedral which marked the end of the Falklands War.

When compared to the coordinated terror campaign of genocide and disciplined propaganda efforts of ISIS, the only "jayvee team" appears to be the White House strategic communications and national securityadvisersguiding the President on critical issues of foreign policy across the spectrum from our porous borders to our former Cold War adversaries and now a resurgent 9/11 threatin ISIS. Special operations troops might slow but certainly won't defeat ISIS. Did airstrikes alone force the Taliban from power alone after 9/11? The answer is no..

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