Staffing Company

Working on a temporary or contract basis by way of a staffing agency is usually overlooked as a possible job lead source. Here are five reasons to think about this little understood resource.

Staffing companies can be viewed as a sort of clearing house for open positions. Jobs come in, get filled and also are replaced with other jobs. The number of openings an agency has at anyone time will depend upon the effectiveness of the staffing company's sales efforts. Top staffing temp agencies may have open positions you won't find elsewhere.

When the economy is struggling many businesses freeze hiring. The work, however, still has to get done. In the event the amount of work to be done exceeds a company's resources very often temporary or contract workers will be utilized. It's not unheard of of such contract workers to be offered more permanent arrangements when hiring freezes are lifted.

In the event the economy is struggling job seekers are tempted to accept jobs which are not good matches. As the mindset is understandable, this behavior is self defeating since it often results in a downward spiral of job hopping. It's far better to search out contract or short-term work so you can pay the bills while holding out for a position that is in line with your job goals. (Most states shall permit you to interrupt unemployment benefits and reinstate them with relative ease.)

Good staffing firms and recruiters offer free advice regarding how to boost your resume. Free interviewing help could also be provided. They want to help you put your best foot forward. Moreover, many agencies provide access to free software tutorials allowing candidates to refresh or polish their skills as needed.

Working on a temporary basis allows you to experience a company's work environment and company culture without or before you make a far more permanent commitment. This enables you to discover whether the boss's management style will facilitate your success without wasting precious time if it will not. (This is a double edged sword of course since the company gets to try you before they 'buy' also. Make sure you put your very best foot forward.)

To succeed when working by way of a staffing agency you need to understand that they exist to search out people for jobs, not jobs for people. You must also find the right agency to associate with. The next article in this particular series focuses on 5 things to look for when selecting a staffing firm.