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nfl jerseys The police headquarters reportedly remains under siege after a Taliban attack.Maj Richard Streatfield, who spent seven months in Sangin in 2009 and 2010 with the Rifles, told the BBC it was "hugely disappointing" to see the town under threat again."I won't deny, on a personal level, it does make you wonder was it worth it?" he said."Because if the people we were trying to free Afghanistan from are now able to just take it back within two years, that shows that something went badly wrong at the operational and strategic level."UK's fallen: Military deaths in AfghanistanTimeline: UK troops in AfghanistanWhy is Sangin important?Who are the Taliban?There are about 10 British personnel now at Camp Shorobak an army camp some 60 miles by road from Sangin, the BBC understands.A spokeswoman for the MoD said they would be providing advice to the Afghan National Army as part of the UK's "ongoing contribution" to Nato's Resolute Support mission.They will not deploy outside the camp, she added.'Leadership in turmoil'By Jonathan Marcus, BBC defence correspondentThe Taliban surge, not just in Helmand but in a number of other provinces, has highlighted the dysfunction at the heart of the Afghan government and thrown the continuing problems of the Afghan military into high relief.The Taliban resurgence is as much a product of the turmoil in its top leadership as anything else, with different factions vying for power and seeking to demonstrate their pre eminence by displays of military prowess.The fact that the so called Islamic State organisation is slowly putting down roots in the turmoil is also worrying Western military planners and adding a new dimension to the Afghan conundrum.Read more from Jonathan here.Defence select committee chairman Julian Lewis said British forces must be able to respond more flexibly to extremists in Afghanistan, as well as in Iraq and Syria.He suggested having a "flexible force which can swoop in and swoop out again, a mixture of special forces supported by air power in support of friendly ground forces where they exist".The UK, however, should resist getting drawn in permanently to build up a nation in a country that is not ready for it, he told BBC Radio 4's World At One.Another senior figure, Lord Dannatt former head of the British Army said he believed Afghanistan was a lower priority than Syria and Libya, and any upsurge in British military effort should be focused there instead.Dr Mike Martin, who spent two years in Afghanistan as a British army officer and wrote the book An Intimate War, said the UK should leave Afghanistan alone and not pour money into what he calls a "micro civil war".Portraying the conflict as the government versus Taliban was "simplistic" when many factors, such as the drugs trade, water, territorial battles, were behind the fighting, he told BBC Radio 4's PM.Timeline: UK troops in AfghanistanOctober 2001 Following the 9/11 attacks, the US accuses the Taliban, the ruling power in Afghanistan, of harbouring terrorist Osama Bin Laden. Britain becomes involved soon after, deploying ground troopsDecember 2001 The city of Kandahar, the last Taliban stronghold, falls to US coalition forces. Then Prime Minister Tony Blair hails a victory nfl jerseys.