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Cheap Jerseys from china Even though this was a while ago, I figured skating must be a little like riding a bike you pick it up again without too much effort.We were booked in to skate at 10:30 so set out to catch the bus from St Clement at 9:30 to give us time to get there and soak in the atmosphere and get our skates before going on the ice.All was going well for a while, we found the gloves, the coats, the umbrella and everything else we need for a chilly mornings walk.We left the house and got to the bus stop without a problem as well but it was at the bus stop that we were told no buses would be running from the East of the island.A quick call to Connex confirmed this and we resigned ourselves to walking.Normally it takes about 35 minutes to get from home to Snow Hill on foot and we had an hour to go until we were due to go on the ice so no problem.Except that from the minute we left the bus stop we were skating, the pavements were slippery and the roads packed with a long line of cars going nowhere in a hurry.Eventually, after nearly breaking our necks on more than one occasion (something I didn't think would happen until we were on the ice) we got to Fort Regent.We showed our tickets and went into the Queens Hall where the large rink filled the middle of the room.As we entered, my daughter literally bouncing with excitement, there were ice skates to the left of us, milkshakes to the right, an ice rink in front and Kieran Bracken welcoming people.We handed over our soggy shoes (we had just walked into town on pavements covered in slush and wet snow falling down) and were given a pair of ice skates.After a fair bit of pushing shoving and me not being able to work out how to do the skates up we were finally on the ice.I'll admit I was a little shaky at first I had just walked into town through a blizzard, fighting off polar bears and building igloos (ok maybe it wasn't that bad but it felt it) but after a while my legs finally remembered how to do it.In no time I was skating fast and confidently for two corners before crashing with a thud into the barriers.Eventually my feet ached, my legs were tired and I wanted to just lie down but I wasn't having to much fun to stop so took a brief photo break.But the real star was my daughter who seemed to have a limitless amount of energy and in the space of one hour went from pulling herself around the rink holding on to the sides to skating around the middle of the rink like a pro.As we were ushered off the ice so it could be sprayed for the next group, and before we'd even removed our boots my daughter was begging to come back again.Which for me made the expedition through wind, snow, sleet and sludge the battling with polar bears and penguins and the wet socks more than worth it.Shame it's only here until the start of January. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Read more.This page is best viewed in an up to date web browser with style sheets (CSS) enabled Cheap Jerseys from china.